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Tên sản phẩm: Trung tâm báo cháy Nohmi FAP 28E-5L
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Giao hàng tận nơi khu vực Tp.Hồ Chí Minh.
Địa điểm bán: 28E-bc
- Conventional type.
- 5 zones Control panel.
- Alarm Verification type (Alarm verification time: 60seconds).
- The alarm verification function can be released with respect to each
individual line..
- Various test functions : fire indication test, line continuity test, auxiliary
power supply test and alarm verification time test..
- Durable LED indications.
- Back-up power supply (Ni-Cd battery, 24VDC).
- Easy maintenance.
- Automatic self-checking system.
On receiving a fire signal from a fire detector or a manual alarm box, the FAP
28E-5L conventional fire alarm panel gives a visual alarms indicating the alarm
point, as well as an audible alarm, to alert the alarm panel operator. It also
produces alarms to alert the occupants of the building premises.. The FAP 28E-5L
conventional fire alarm panel has indication of the alarm points by individual
zone lamps.
Đăng ngày 08-04-2011 04:20:00 AM - 3298 Lượt xem
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