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Tên sản phẩm: Trung tâm báo cháy Hochiki HCP-204
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Địa điểm bán: HCP-204-bc
Hochiki’s HCP-204 Fire Alarm Control Panel is a microprocessor based unit
designed for small to medium commercial, institutional and industrial
occupancies. Fully configurable using DIP switches, it enables the user to
configure the system to meet their specific requirements.
The HCP-204 comes standard with 4 Class B (Style B) Initiating Circuits which
may be configured as 2 Class A (Style D) circuits. In addition it comes equipped
with 2 Class A/B (Style Z/Y) Indicating circuits which are each rated at 1.25
amps. The panel also includes a 2.75 Amp Power Supply which powers the system
and supplies a 4-wire resettable regulated smoke power supply of 24 VDC 100mA
The HCP-204 utilizes a simple DIP switch configuration for programming
initiating and indicating circuits as well as the enabling and disabling of
system functions such as Signal Silence, Fire Drill and Auxiliary Disconnect.
Some predefined Initiating circuits can optionally be configured as Waterflow or
Latching/Non-Latching Supervisory. In addition the HCP-204 allows for Alarm
Verification on the initiating circuits. The Indicating circuits may be
configured as Silenceable or Non-Silenceable with the audibles configured for
Steady, March-Time, Temporal Code, or California Code. The HCP-204 is equipped
with auxiliary relay contacts for Common Alarm, Trouble and Supervisory. If no
Supervisory circuits are enabled, the Supervisory relay becomes a second Alarm
The cabinet is available in a beige color for the Canadian market and a red
exterior for the U.S. and International markets. A Fire Retardant Lexan Window
in the hinged door allows for viewing of the status LEDs. It comes with a
durable CAT-30 lock and key. Space is provided for up to 10 AH batteries.
4 Class B (Style B) Initiating Circuits which may be configured as 2 Class A
(Style D) circuits.
2 Class A/B (Style Z/Y) Indicating Circuits with individual trouble indicators
(1.25 Amps max. per circuit.)
Each Indicating Circuit can be configured as Silenceable or Non-Silenceable.
Audibles may be configured as Steady, Temporal Code, California Code or March
Selectable Alarm Verification on Initiating Circuits
Output for 4-wire resettable regulated smoke power supply of 24 VDC 100mA
Output for RTI or Remote Annunciators of 24VDC, 300 mA max, unfiltered
Built-in Walk Test operation
Auxiliary relay contacts for Common Alarm, Common Trouble and Common
Supervisory. If no Supervisory circuits are enabled, the Supervisory relay
becomes a second Alarm relay.
2.75 Amp Power Supply
Easy configuration via DIP switches
Đăng ngày 12-04-2011 12:34:00 PM - 2317 Lượt xem
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