
Tìm kiếm

PCCC, Phòng cháy chữa cháy

Kết quả tìm kiếm trên "Sản phẩm": 39
... DESCRIPTION. The FAP129N series fire alarm panel was developed to provide a cost- and space-saving conventional fire alarm panel together with more user-oriented functions.. The size of the panel is approximately one-half the depth, one-half the area, one-fourth the volume, and...
... DESCRIPTION. The FAP128N series fire alarm panel was developed to provide a cost- and space-saving conventional fire alarm panel together with more user-oriented functions. The height of the panel comes to approximately 80% of that of our last 40-zone fire alarm panel. The weight of...
... - 5 zones Control panel. - Alarm Verification type (Alarm verification time: 60seconds). - The alarm verification function can be released with respect to each individual line.. - Various test functions : fire indication test, line continuity test, auxiliary power supply test and...
Kết quả tìm kiếm trên "Đối tác": 1
...Road Morristown, NJ 07962 Phone: (973) 455-2000 Fax: (973) 455-4807 Honeywell Solutions for Homes and Buildings Phone : 1-800-328-5111   Aerospace Within US: 1-800-601-3099 Outside US:1-602-365-3099 To report technical issues with this Website, click here to mail the Webmaster.
Kết quả tìm kiếm trên "Tin tức": 13
...PDF gồm 2 trang trong đó là những mẫu rút gọn những ví dụ về tìm kiếm và truy vấn và cả những dịch vụ hấp dẫn khác Tiếp tới là 55 Ways to Have Fun with Google một e-book miễn phí về các game chuyện tầm phào và các câu nói vô nghĩa do Google sưu tầm đủ để...
...Control Panel Nittan products supported by highly advanced technologies utilizing microcomputer control for the breathtaking security system With the features brought us the sophisticated function and high reliabilities The parts are supplied in unit assembly which has led to variety of fire... make the sensor sensitive to the temperature of a human body Humans having a skin temperature of about 93 degrees F radiate infrared energy with a wavelength between 9 and 10 micrometers Therefore the sensors are typically sensitive in the range of 8 to 12 micrometers Motion detectors are...
Kết quả tìm kiếm trên "Video": 7
High Rise Escape Systems uses a Controlled Descent Device (CDD) that adjusts to the user’s weight and lets them descent at a rate of approximately 1 to 1.5 metres per second.
Fire safety, at its most basic, is based upon the principleof keeping fuel sources and ignition sources separate.
Foam test for the fire Officials.We've done another one since this one with our IFOAM.